
Megan Constance Altieri

Megan Constance Altieri is an interdisciplinary artist who collects and studies the stories that form our human experience. She explores the role those circumstances play in shaping or obstructing our ability to connect, both with ourselves and others. Storytelling is the overarching theme throughout her sculptures, paintings, garment appropriations, photography direction, and large scale installations. 

Her 2018 award winning installation, Sonder, has since inspired the publishing of a coffee table book Sonder: The Art of Empathy Through Eavesdropping and a repurposed fashion line, Sonder Articles. In this multi-faceted project, Altieri borrows stories in their rawest form, straight from the mouths of strangers. By observing and interpreting random samples of the human experience in an uncurated manner, Sonder aims to inspire curiosity, conversation, and, consequently, empathy for the strangers around us. 

In the West Michigan art community and in her high school classroom, Altieri uses her voice to proclaim storytelling as the ultimate mitigation of pain within the human experience. 



